Definition, restoraton and multilingual comparative analysis of the initial form of Azerbaijani language’s lexical base


The main focus of the article is the semantic analysis and genesis of the words that create the lexical base of the modern Azerbaijani language to a certain extent and belong to the roots system of the language. The goal is to recover the words which have gone through deformation and flexion for thousands of years to their initial forms. The author prefers to call this process “linguistic reconstruction” or “language recovery”. Years of research and investigations have allowed to come to a certain conclusion and deductions in this specific context. Recent scientific studies of genetics about the stem cell have also been utilized as an analogy method during the investigations because the author believes that languages are living organisms too and they also have words and elements functioning as a stem cell as it is the case with all the living organisms and humans. In this framework, the principal idea is that the linguistic units and words entering the organic system of a language are deprivations of the aforementioned linguistic stem cells. As a logical consequence of this idea the root words and concepts – the original elements of a language are determined in the first place and all the following analyses are built upon them. The researches contain a wide range of comparativist investigations as well. Examples from the ancient Greek and Latin languages have also been used as comparativism objects. Discovery of such words will not only give us linguistic information, but also objective historical information on different aspects. This fact can be considered one of the main reasons making this kind of researches very significant. Researches of this kind can also be considered as the decipherment of language and being. They have the potential to shed light on the concept of “master language” (or as the author calls it: “scion language”).

Keywords: Semantic analysis, comparative approach, linguistic reconstruction (restitution).

Yusif NAJAFOV, independent researcher,

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